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Here at 3DMAKER, the computer is our canvas and the mouse and keyboard are our paintbrush. Our materials – everything from ink to modeling clay – we find in the processors and software of our computers.

The ART comes from the artist.

The 3D and graphics artist often creates the illusion of reality, but a reality that is entirely under his or her control.  3D art and graphics is a balance of the technical and the creative, with an artist modeling contour, texture, and light as well as illustrating the imperfections of the real world. The artist can manufacture Utopia, whether it is a wild manifestation of an image in his or her mind, or a reproduction of a scene he or she used to view from the living room window. 3DMAKER is committed to using the latest technology to express the most basic desires and visions.

Now, 3DMAKER is looking for freelancers!

If you have your own equipment and want to work remotely by contract on a project by project basis, send samples of your work (preferably jpegs) to marcus@3dmaker.com subject line "samples."   Be sure to include examples of your styles and specialties.

As an artist, you will have the option of displaying any work you do with us in our online gallery.   Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your work and gain recognition. 3DMAKER is about and for the artist.  Show us what you can do!



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